Here’s more detail about the topics I will be covering:
- How to Optimize Body Composition: A Focus on Muscle Gain. This presentation will cover goal-setting: realistic progress projections & timeframes, targeting the appropriate energy surplus & rate of gain, individualizing the macronutrient targets, nutrient timing & distribution, and structuring bulking & cutting cycles.
- How to Optimize Body Composition: A Focus on Fat loss. This presentation will cover goal-setting: realistic progress projections & timeframes, targeting the appropriate energy deficit & rate of loss, individualizing the macronutrient targets, meal timing & distribution through the day/week (linear & nonlinear models), and managing progress plateaus
- Understanding & Overcoming Metabolic Adaptations to Dieting. This presentation is a deep dive into the phenomenon of progress plateaus, and “metabolic slowing” as a result of dieting. Can a damaged or broken metabolism be fixed? Is there even a such thing as a broken metabolism? A science & experience-based approach will be taken to tackle these questions and present practical solutions.
- Nutritional Strategies for Maximizing Health & Longevity. This presentation will take a science-based look at the burning questions of how to compose a diet that maximizes both lifespan and health span. Current dogma on the topic of longevity emphasizes caloric restriction, protein restriction, and tip-toeing around resistance training. All of these ideas lack scientific support. I will provide evidence-based principles and practical solutions for the challenge of maximizing longevity.
- Science Literacy: How to Navigate & Conquer the Maze of Media Misinformation. A working knowledge of how to critically evaluate information in academic research as well as the news & mass media is an extremely important skill, especially for nutrition & fitness professionals. This presentation will dissect the most popular diet fads, and arm the learners with skills to separate marketing & pseudoscience from scientifically sound information. It will also enable the learners to systematically assess the validity of research studies used to support various claims.
- How to Succeed in the Fitness Industry without Sacrificing Integrity. In this presentation, I will share with you my journey up the ranks of success in this quickly evolving and unpredictable industry. I will discuss career directions, building your skill set, building an audience, and becoming the best – while maintaining your sanity, integrity, and staying power at the top.