In January, 2008…
I launched the first-ever monthly research review targeted toward the fitness audience, and several other outfits have tried to emulate my model since then. Alan Aragon’s Research Review (AARR) is my way of helping health/fitness professionals & enthusiasts examine the latest nutrition, training, and supplementation findings, and use them to maximize results. An extract from the Review can be seen here, and a complete index of what I’ve covered thus far can be seen here. A sample of my clientele can be seen here.
In a nutshell, AARR is a unique publication where I critically analyze the most current nutrition, training, and supplementation research. I also provide practical applications cross-checked by more than 20 years of field experience. The following are some of the key aspects of AARR that prospective subscribers might find helpful:
- It’s only $10 USD a month through automatic recurring payment.
- You can cancel your subscription yourself at any time, or you can contact us directly and we’ll cancel it for you, just email
- There’s no contract or minimum commitment. There are no hidden fees.
- AARR is preposterously inexpensive for the knowledge you’ll gain, and the risk is nonexistent (see above points).
- There are no commercial or financially vested sponsors. None. I remain no-holds-barred about the truth and current state of scientific affairs with all topics discussed.
- Although the proportion of coverage may vary with each issue, nutrition, training, and supplementation get equal coverage overall.
- Unlike other scientific publications, myself and/or my staff are reachable and prompt to respond to subscribers’ questions or concerns, just email
- Subscribers get instant access to the entire archive of issues dating back to January of 2008.
Ready to subscribe? Click the button below, which leads to the terms & conditions page, with the subscription link at the bottom.
For those who need a little more encouragement to take the plunge and invest the equivalent of two Starbucks drinks a month to stay at the top of the fitness knowledge food chain, here are some real opinions about AARR (keep in mind that these testimonials were completely unsolicited; I did not ask for any of them):
“Just wanted to say thank you for the AARR. I know you must get comments like this all the time but it’s legitimately the best source of information available. Thank you so much. You’ve impacted me, and thus everyone whom I work with, more than you could possibly imagine.” – Jordan Syatt
“If you are looking for much more depth, I would highly recommend Alan Aragon’s Research Review. It is only 10 clams a month and I make zero money from recommending it, but he does his homework on all of the topics he covers each month.” – Mike T. Nelson, PhD
“Became a subscriber today and I am 100 percent impressed. Alan has struck a perfect balance between pleasing the more academically-inclined reader who wants an indepth, peer-reviewed approach, complete with citations to back up his opinions, and a more condensed, cliff-notes version for folks who just want to know the bottom line. I am slowly working my way through the entire series, and I am learning so much! I will be emailing alan to see how we purchase an institution subscription for our online medical school library. It is THAT good, and I will now consider it essential reading for students who take my nutrition in medicine elective as fourth year students.” – Wendy Welch, MD
“There is a glaring deficiency of honest, evidence-based, and un-faddish information available to fitness and nutrition professionals and the public at large. Enter the AARR. Nowhere (and I mean NOWHERE) will you find such a winning combination of cutting edge research interspersed with perspicacious commentary and real-life application. I have yet to see anyone tackle the most controversial, divided and relevant health and performance issues with the same depth, scrutiny and objectivity as Alan… Since subscribing, I feel as though I have armed myself with an untapped dimension of knowledge.” – Mike Howard
“I want to do a quick product plug and let readers know about Alan Aragon’s Research Review. For those of you who enjoyed/miss the research reviews I used to do as part of this newsletter, Alan is now doing a monthly review of a half-dozen or more studies. He looks at the strengths, weaknesses and application of the studies in addition to looking at older gems and contributing his own excellent feature content. I did a full review in the blog, but for those who want to stay on the cutting edge of research related to nutrition, fat loss and supplementation, the $10 per month Alan charges is well worth the money.” – Lyle McDonald
“Just want to say your reviews are awesome. Informative and funny. I read nutrition/training articles for information and entertainment. Your AARR fulfilled both of my requirements. The price is a steal. I can’t imagine how much work/time one AARR takes to complete (It takes me a very long time to write research papers and read/analyze research). I just finished my MS in nutrition at NYU. I am starting my nutrition business, and I know when I read your AARR – I GET SMARTER. So, just want to say all of this to you. Waking up and reading the AARR with a cup of coffee is a great way to start the day.” – Seth Bronheim, MS, RD
“Alan and his research review are a reaffirmation of the strength found in intelligent action. No other man, no other text has so influenced my knowledge base as it relates to the improvement of the human body. His hard work continues to turn the opaque mess of the fitness industry transparent, empowering his readership with the capacity for dramatic, life-changing progress.” – Ryan Zielonka
“It is evident when someone puts their heart and soul into something. The Alan Aragon Research Review is one such example. I finally decided to give the subscription a shot after months of deliberating. I can honestly say that it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. […] Since subscribing, I feel as though I have armed myself with an untapped dimension of knowledge. […] Alan has a true gift for breaking down giant swaths of information into a reader-friendly format that is as engaging as it is informative.” – Mike Howard
“Why does someone need this? If you are a fitness professional, you better not think twice. This is the way to get up-to-date and back-catalog information on what the actual science and fact of what your job is. If you are going to take networking and podcasting so seriously, you better start taking the science of what you do seriously as well.” – Leigh Peele
“Alan’s Research Review is one of the most awesome resources on training and diet I have ever found. He puts so much into each review and I am kicking myself for not subscribing months ago.” – JC Deen
“What you need to do is subscribe to Alan Aragon’s Research Review. […] That should be the best 10 bucks you’ve spent in a long time. […] What am I saying? EVERYONE interested in training nutrition, nay, nutrition in general should subscribe to Alan’s Review.” – Eric Troy
“Alan is a no-nonsense guy who takes a very analytical look at the nutrition world. He does a fantastic job separating fact from fiction and really tells you how it is, not necessarily how we want it to be. One of the greatest works I have come across this year.” – Brian St. Pierre, CSCS, CISSN
“Make sure to check out Alan Aragon’s Research Review whenever you get the chance. In an industry filled with more misinformation and dogma than you can shake a stick at, Alan’s research review is not only a much needed breath of fresh air, but an absolute necessity in the fight to get the right information into the hands of the masses.” – Roger Lawson II, CSCS
“Alan Aragon’s Research Review is my favorite resource for staying up-to-date on the latest research in sports nutrition and exercise physiology.” – Nate Miyaki
Ready to subscribe? Click the button below, and welcome to AARR.