Hey everyone, first off, thank you sincerely for getting my book. Secondly, in hindsight, I should have known that errors would inevitably slip past the editing process. So, I should have created this page pre-emptively, and linked it in the book. Thankfully, these errors will be corrected in the next round of reprints.

In the meantime, here are the  errors, in the order of appearance in the book (page numbers refer to the physical version):


The following are known errors as of 10/25/2022 (note that these page numbers reflect the physical unit rather than the digital book, whose page numbering may be different):

1) Chapter 6, in a Nutshell, second bullet point (page 168): “0.32 to 2.2 g/lb” should say “0.32 to 1 g/lb”

2) Chapter 8, Box 8D, third bullet point (page  201) is referring to protein, but this was not specified. It should say: “Consuming protein at 2.6 to 3.5 g/kg of FFM may increase the likelihood or magnitude of recomposition.”

3) Chapter 8, Page 202, second paragraph, should say: “This is 19.5 to 31.6 percent greater than untrained men in the general population.” As a consequence, using an 80 kg man as an example, the potential for muscle gain beyond an untrained man is ~27 to 44 lbs, as opposed to the book’s example, which yielded lower numbers. This is not necessarily a bad thing, since the book’s example is potentially more realistic and attainable, but accuracy is accuracy – and that’s what this page is for. 🙂 

4) Chapter 8, Box 8I (page 210), Realistic Rate of Fat Loss (page 206): 0.250.5 pound/week should say “0.51 pound/week 

5) Chapter 8 (page 218), Box 8M, Step 3  (the 10% Fudge Factor) should say: “This is what I call the “fudge factor.” If you tend to eat more than planned while dieting, subtract 10 percent from the total daily caloric target calculated in Step 2. If you tend to eat less than planned while aiming for gains, add 10 percent to the target calculated in step 2. Otherwise, skip the 10 percent fudge factor.”

6) Chapter  9  (page 250), Figure 9c – The Matrix of Progess: for “dirty bulking,” all arrows should be pointing up. For “fading,” all arrows should be pointing down. Here is the original image with the original verbiage (for the book, we opted out of the use of the cheeky term, “fulking,” which means fat-bulking).


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